Real Estate Market Has Changed

First time home buyers, real estate sellers and anyone interested inReal Estate Market Has Changed what going on in the real estate market, needs to read this

Real Estate Market Has Changed!

I can’t talk about real estate in other states, but I can talk about real estate here in Southern California, and that is that real estate is hot and going up faster than most people think. Buyers are having a hard time finding and buying a house.

The time for wait-and-see is over, at least for now. If you’re a buyer that needs financing to buy a house you will find it a very different market then it was 18 months ago.

Real Estate Market Has Changed, will you still be about to buy or sell and move?

You need to give me a call and let go over what you can do to buy or sell a house in this market, Steve Olmos, selling real estate in Southern California since 1980

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